- Know me before you decide to lavish me with your attention, admiration or adoration. I appreciate the gesture(s) and I'm flattered, but unless you know me - and I mean REALLY KNOW ME - I will believe that your affections are misplaced and/or invalid. Either you want something from me (sex, money, etc.) or you're an asshole who wants to get close to me in order to make my life a living hell (because misery LOVES company) or something of that negative ilke. Good, smart people don't go around "loving" people randomly.
- Don't make conclusions about me. I don't care if we've been in each others' lives for a day or twenty years. Unless you and I are on some real cool level - I'm talkin, I can be myself around you, you can be yourself around me, there's no pretense in our relationship, and we've talked in the past month and half - then you don't know me mayn! Stop acting like you do. Ya know that cutesy frazzled thing I do when I'm telling a story? That's because I'm excited and/or embarassed and/or scared - not because I'm lying! WTF do I have to lie about, anyway?! Do you really think I'm so retarded that I need to lie to make a point? Do you just think that low of me? If we're supposed to be chill, why don't you call me out on my shit if that's what you think is going on? Get your head on straight before you draw conclusions and color me in a bad light. How you gonna say we're homies if you don't even know that I'm a good, honest person?!
- Okay, so we don't agree on everything. I don't expect that it's common for that to happen anyway. But really: give me a reason to call you my fam. Say somthing really intelligent sometimes - something to make me really give you credit. Don't ooh and aah over every latest thing in the stores. Don't be a drone to commercialism. You had a chance to go to a really prestigious school, study under known academic names, make something of yourself - and you decided that you didn't wanna learn anything. You just bowed down to the almighty dollar, the ease of fakery in order to make money, the crutches of enabling friends. I'm not hating on you, but I don't think we have a shred of anything in common besides the purely animalistic and/or biological. Is it really possible to love something - like, really love something - that you can't understand, and don't even really like?
- I watch you make your choices, steal my eyes away from your horrible decisions, offer you support even though I know that you can't really achieve all that you say you want to achieve with your life. I get it. Life's hard. I bitch and moan about that, too. But really: why are you so quick to stick with the same old stuff? How can you constantly make dreams and not do a damn thing about them? Why do you not make something of yourself? What are you so afraid of?
- It takes more than a while to realize the full weight of a person's character, the real depth of their soul, the real meaning of their actions. When you've spent a lifetime evaluating the people nearest and dearest to you and come to the conclusion that they don't know you at all, they don't know how to make you feel loved, they don't know what you're about - and they're incapable/unwanting of taking on the challenge that is You: what are you supposed to do? Are you supposed to just cut them off and chalk it up to time and circumstance? Do you just "move on" without giving them notice, until one day you all turn around and realize that undoubtedly you are strangers?
- I read a lot and I like to drop info during conversations. Could you maybe read a little bit, so that when I talk to you I don't feel like I'm rehashing the same stuff over and over again? Let's talk about childrearing in France, safaris in Kenya, basketweaving in Brazil. Let's teach each other different cultures, different arguments about the theory of Life, different ways to address our parents. Let's work on ourselves and each other so that we can help each other be the best versions of ourselves imaginable. Couldn't we? Shouldn't we?
- Why do you insist on reading so much into things? Why do you insist on manipulating every situation? Why do you feel the need to cultivate your lying skills? Don't you realize that the need to control every outcome is just a sign that your self-esteem is severely impaired? It's one thing to work hard, express yourself thoroughly, diligently do what you have to do: but to play mind games? Power games? Status games? What's the point of all that? What's the point of You?
- Thank goodness you realized upon meeting me that I'm a work-in-progress. It's impossible to limit my transitions from who I am today to who I am tomorrow, and you respect that and you respect me. For that, I will always be grateful.
- You listen to me. I mean REALLY listen to me. You and I think in the same breaths and catch the hinge of worry on the first awkward stutter of a hard consonant. We read the same feelings between the lines of phrases uttered and shoulders shrugged. The same language flows between our pens and papers and our legs and our eyes. When you speak, I hear the ocean calling me to the place where I belong, to the people that I have been, to the successes I have yet to achieve. Everything good and pure is in your sexy strut, in your confidence, in your humble gestures of relaxation.
- I love that you speak in tongues, riddling me with thoughts that have been dropped on you like smart bombs. Awkward silences seem possible on paper, but in person we make meaningful somethings out of substantial understandings. Musings and "mistakes" are not judged, are not heckled, are not predetermined right or wrong, good or bad, or nonsense. We are running in parallel paths, neither of us sure what awaits at the end, both of us thankful for the company and assured of each others' presence. I respect you immensely.
- You take me for me. You see only what's there and how great I can become. You assist me in being the best version of myself possible. You challenge my mind, engage my soul, and adore my body; and I feel likewise about you. The person that you are heightens and emphasizes the person that I am; the contours of our personalities mesh like silk. It's too bad I haven't known you... yet.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
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