Thursday, December 27, 2007

On Self-Esteem, -Image, -Reflection, -Depracation, -Flagellation

I've been spending a lot of time with my brother and Rob. It's not that I haven't had the option of hanging out with anyone else, or even that I particularly want to hang out with both of them all of the time. It's that I need to hang out with them. They put me in a context in which I'm eternally comfortable, and at this moment, I don't need the cajoling of new ideas, different perspectives, or catalysts of evolution. I need time to mire and steep in resolutions.

To be continued...


jazzmatazz said...

hey girl, i'm new to blogger and i've listed spot of no blog as the very first "blog i love". nice to be in the community.

SongDynasty said...

I should do the same, huh. I'm overthinking. I need to remain comfortable with myself so that I can stop reneging on the goddamn decisions I was so intent on accomplishing a mere week ago.
