Monday, February 11, 2008


In the wee morning hours of Sunday, February 3rd, I got matching tattoos with Dallas, Ariane & Yvonne (DAY). We were all getting variations of a four-star motif.

My thoughts: I feel like I'm constantly chasing shooting stars, hoping that my idealistic values lead me somewhere good.

Ariane's thoughts: The places everyone chose to get their tat is symbolic of their relationship to the group. Dallas got it near her stomach, and she's the maternal one of the group. (READ: The only mom.) Maria got it on her foot because we keep her grounded.


There was a really funny conversation Abie and I had the other day, but I can't remember what it's about at this moment. I'll ask if he remembers then post it.


On my leaving the country in September:

"I obviously haven't taken enough time to fully weigh out my options."


"My personality = Living by the seat of my pants."


"I'm falling back on my usual M.O. and haven't learned anything from my mistakes."


On leaving my folks to fend for themselves physically and financially:

"It was a necessary action that should've been done sooner - even if it would've been more painful to all those involved."

"It was a necessary action that happened when I was ready to make it happen, and everyone's better for the relatively painless way in which it happened."

"By leaving my folks to fend for themselves, I'm buying into 'American' standards and values and dismissing my parents' culture. I was just using my Asian-ness as an excuse to play the martyr."

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