Monday, February 18, 2008

You-Hate-Us? Dry-Hump-Us! Hi-At-Us

I recently got an email from Soul Patch, a friend of mine who lives in Virginia. Soul Patch is one of those people who I love dearly, but to whom I concede that sans 'net, our relationship wouldn't last past my driving past his state's line.

SP wanted to know why I haven't been blogging, why all he's been reading has been my vocabulary upgrade, and why he didn't get an update on Valentine's Day. I just replied unfeelingly that I've been on hiatus, that he should take his library card out for a spin, and that he has three baby's mamas to worry about so he doesn't have to worry about my love life. Such is the bond between folks who've seen each other naked and sweaty: words aren't minced and feelings aren't spared. God forbid one of us should think we have a connection that's more than platonic.

I didn't have the cajones to say flat-out to SP that I've been licking my wounds. Doing so would require humility, and humility is something that I'm short on when dealing with a man who's seen my goodies at every angle - even though said sexcapades were seven years ago.

So here's the dealio, for those who swear they're my BFF but depend on my blog to find out the nitty gritty: My first job's cut back my hours, my second job is a temp gig (which lasts only till the end of the month), and my bills are backed up like a toilet after Thanksgiving dinner. I inked a "limited time engagement" deal with a phone sex management co, and did it for two nights; it pays well, and by "well" I mean that my family doesn't have to go hungry for the next month and a half, and I can pay for gas and metrocards.

I need to find work, and in the meantime I want to enter a few writing contests that I've been eyeing. The crapped out part about that? Both writing contests require me to write about dating and love - and I'm short on inspiration when it comes to both. Valentine's Day was sad, pathetic and disappointing; I've decided to take some time out from dating.

Back on the lack-of-money tip: I found out that I'm getting sued for not having paid off my med bills from a couple years ago, which makes me go, "REALLY?! I got cancer, paid off half of the bills, and obviously don't make enough to pay off the rest of the bills SO YOU SUE ME?! WTF is that supposed to do?! Get your money sooner??? Cuz, OBVIOUSLY, if I had cash, you'd be paid." And maaannnn... If I could, I'd throw myself a pity party.

Unfortunately, I'm too grown to be so pathetic.

More on all of this soon. I've gotta clean my house.


dejanae said...

I found out that I'm getting sued for not having paid off my med bills from a couple years ago, which makes me go, "REALLY?! I got cancer, paid off half of the bills, and obviously don't make enough to pay off the rest of the bills SO YOU SUE ME?! WTF is that supposed to do?! Get your money sooner???
yeah cuz that makes a lot of sense

u enter writing contests often?

im crackin up at the phone sex operator gig
please tell me u dont sound like one of them girls on those late night commercials

Maria said...

I haven't entered a writing contest in a crazy long time. the only kind of writing "contest" I ever enter these days are poetry slams, but those are few and far between. every few months, I swear that I'll do like I did back in the day: go to a different poetry cafe every night of the week, perform my stuff, meet cool people. but the schedule and the budget just ain't what they used to be...

you should perform some of your stuff sometime and invite me. I'll be your hypechick :)

oh---and yeah, LOL I've got stories for daaaays about working the lines. I don't do it regularly any more (I used to work full-time) but it's good/easy cash, and works out your imagination like you would not believe! I posted something about it a while ago; maybe I'll post something else and tell some of my favorite stories from the phone sex line. LOL

dejanae said...

how bout u let me know when ur performing
ima need more than a hypechick
something a lil more a valium

fave phone sex stories?
i wanna read somea that



Im happy you guys found each other